If you have tenants who are voucher holders with Metro Housing|Boston, you must go through our agency in order to make changes to the rent. All rent increases must be rent reasonable.
Can I raise the tenant's rent without approval from Metro Housing|Boston?
No. You must notify the tenant and our agency to make the request. Our agency will determine if the request can be approved or denied.
Does the tenant need to sign off on the request?
Yes. The tenant does need to sign off on the request in order for the rent increase to be considered.
Example Rent Increase Request
Can I request a rent increase within the first year of the lease?
No. A rent increase cannot be requested during the initial term of the lease, may not be submitted for a date that has already passed, and may not exceed the current maximum allowable contract rent.
Could this affect the tenant share?
It could, but in many cases the tenant share does not change. We cannot predetermine the approval or how much it will affect the tenant share, however it is a possibility the tenant share could increase.
When will an approved rent increase take into effect?
Metro Housing|Boston will allow an increase in the contract rent at any point after the initial 12-month term of the lease, as long as all of the following are true:
- The proposed increase is determined to be rent reasonable.
- The owner has provided Metro Housing and the program participant with at least 60 days’ notice of the rent increase effective date.
- The owner has not received a contract rent increase in the last 12 month period.
- The unit is HQS compliant.
How much can I as the owner get for an increase?
We cannot pre-determine the amount. Any new rent amount may only be approved if it is determined to be rent reasonable. The maximum rents are based on HUD Fair Market Rents (FMRs). Metro Housing Boston will also review how reasonable the requested rent is compared with market rents, based on the owner’s certification on the request form. At no point may an owner charge more for a voucher holder's unit than comparable unassisted, market-rate units at the same building or development.
Can a rent increase be denied?
A rent increase could be denied for the following reasons:
- The tenant does not sign the form or is not notified on time
- Request is within the first year of the lease
- The amount requested is not rent reasonable based on fair market rents or comparable units
- Request is backdated or is for a date already passed
- The unit is not in HQS compliance
- There have been changes in the utility payment responsibilities or fuel type
What is the process to make a request for a rent increase?
Starting Monday, July 17, 2023, contract rent increase requests may only be submitted using the following link: https://airtable.com/shrzMcypjWPdZaeLL. This link can also be found in the Metro Housing|Boston Property Owner Portal found on our website. This link will bring you to an online submission form directly connected to the contract rent increase approval tracking sheet used by our Market Analysts. Please note, you are still having the tenant sign the rent increase request form and you will upload the form into the online submission portal. Requests missing the form, or the tenant’s signature, will not be reviewed.
Upon receipt of a rent increase request, the Market Analyst will review the request to determine it meets all the above requirements. If the request does not meet the requirements, they will send the owner a copy of the rent increase denial letter. If it meets the requirements, the Market Analyst will begin processing the rent increase. This process typically takes 30 days before notification to the Property Owner will be sent regarding the outcome of the review.
The rent increase was approved but I have not received a rent share letter and have not received the new amount. What do I do?
If the effective date of the rent increase has passed, please contact ownerservices@metrohousingboston.org to be connected with the assigned staff member running the rent increase. Please note, you will be connected with the staff running the rent increase and is not responsible for other actions for this voucher holder. For other questions you have, please contact the Gateway department at gateway@metrohousingboston.org.
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